Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Which, witch, is which?

Ever wonder about people.  What I mean is who people really are behind closed doors, what they say and do in relation to you and how that may or may not effect you.

Recently I was told something that someone else said that utterly shocked me.  It wasn't about me per se but had to do with me and the whole point is, it hurt me.  It was a selfish and rude thing to say-be mad about.  I can't of course regurgitate that here exactly, and it doesn't matter, it is the point.  Someone I have known my whole life, suddenly I see in a whole new light.  Someone who I thought was one thing to me is now something else.

Something I will have to stew over and think about more, and I will post about what I come up with later, not that anyone but me cares but whatever.

That probably makes no sense to anyone.... but like a sad song, we all have our own interpretation of it.

On to other things...  No bingeing or spitting or any of that ridiculous non-sense.  Just no need to.  My mind would like to take a needle and literally sew my mouth shut, but in reality that is crazy, and well, I am  but I am not.  There is more to life than food, finding the release in something else is highly important.  Weight should not = happiness, it should just be a characteristic that holds no emotional value.  BUT it does, why does it?  Will anyone ever know??? ever ever???

Summer is almost over, Boo!          But I digress.....

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